A 3-tier Architecture In VPC
To Implement a webserver and a MySQL in VPC
Create a VPC and attach it to 1 public Subnet and 1 private Subnet
Create a webserver in the public Subnet
Create a NAT Gateway/instance for all private Subnets in the VPC to get Internet traffic
Create a MySQL server in the private Subnet, and make it accessible under public Subnet only
Create a VPC
Give VPC name, IPV4 CIDR block
Once created, a default Route Table, a default Network ACL, a default Security Group are given
Create 2 Subnets (1 public Subnet and 1 private Subnet)
Give Subnet name, VPC ampping, AZ mapping, IPV4 CIDR block
Select the public Subnet -> Subnet Actions -> Modify auto-assign IP asettings -> Enable auto-assign IPV4 addresse
Attach a Internet Gateway to VPC
Give Internet Gateway name
Attach it to the created VPC
Create a custom Route Table
Give Route Table name, VPC mapping
Create a route out
Tab "Routes" -> Edit -> Add another route, add Destination: "", Target: ${internet_gateway_name} -> save
Set Subnet association
Tab "Subnet Association" -> Edit -> Add Subnets associations -> choose 1 Subnet to make it public -> save
Not to modify the main Route Table directly is a practice for security. When creating new Subnets, they will be associated to the main Route Table.
Create a web server in the public Subnet
At "Congifure Instance Details", to choose the custom VPC and Subnet
Create a Security Group for webserver
Create a NAT, there are two ways:
Create a NAT Gateway (recommended)
Create NAT Gateway under the public Subnet and create new EIP to get a dynamic IP
Select the main Route Table of the VPC -> tab Routes -> Edit -> to add Destincation:, Target: ${nat_gateway}
Create a NAT instance
Create EC2 instance with AMI in Community AMIs that filtered with keyword: nat
Put it under public Subnet of the VPC, and specify a Security Group freely.
Once the instance is running, Actions -> Networking -> Change Source/Desc. Check to disable source/destination check
Select the main Route Table of the VPC -> tab Routes -> Edit -> to add Destincation:, Target: ${nat_instance}
Create a MySQL in the private Subnet
Create a Security Group
Give name, VPC mapping
Add Rule for SSH, MySQL/Aurora, All ICMP (for pinging), set source: ${public_subnetc_cidr}
Install MySQL
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