Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS):
A managed message queuing service to decouple and scale microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications
Use Case:
A write buffer for DynamoDB
Message is 256 KB in size (use a pointer to S3 for larger messages)
Message is kept in queued from 1minute ~ 14 days, in 4 days by default.
Can be retrieved programmatically with SQS API
SQS Types (can not modify dynamically):
Standard Queue (default)
Nearly-unlimited number of transactions per second
Delivery order loosely guarenteed
FIFO Queue
Limit to 300 messages/s without batching, 3,000 messages/s with batching.
If more messages, use Kinesis Data Streams.
Delivery order guarenteed
Visibility time out mechanism
If a job finishes in time, the message is consumed
If a job doesn't finish in time, the message will become visible again.
Maximum of visibility time out is 12 hours
Short polling (default)
If no message left in the queue, return the response.
Long polling
For event source mapping (ex. attaching to Lambda Funciton)
Can specify batch size from 1~10
If no message lef in the queue, it waits for the "Receive Message Wait Time" or a message comes to return the response.
Change "Receive Message Wait Time", can be 0~20 seconds.
DLQ usage
Set up on SQS level (not Lambda level because DLQ for Lambda is only for async invocations)
Or use a Lambda destination instead
Tracking with application level must be implemented.
Last updated