Central governance (SCP / Consolidated billing) across AWS accounts
Perform tasks in your organization and its accounts on your behalf
Use trusted access to enable an AWS service (trusted service. Ex. RAM)
Master accounts must invite child accounts.
Master accounts can create child accounts.
Master can access child accounts with:
CloudFormation StackSets to create IAM roles in target accounts.
Assume the roles using the STS Cross Account capability.
Can create a dedicated account for logging or security.
For a member to leave an organization, check:
The member must enable IAM user access to billing.
The member must have the information required for it to operate as a standalone account. (Ex. permission of "organizations:DescribeOrganization" or "organizations:LeaveOrganization")
API is available to automate AWS account creation.
Integration with AWS SSO
Consolidated Billing
Only master account can view / download the report (CSV), but report can be drill down by each member account.
AWS Orginaizaion Options:
Consolidated billing features:
Consolidated billing across all accounts - single payment method.
Pricing benefits from aggregated usage.
All Features (by default)
Includes consolidated billing features
Supports SCP
Child accounts must approve enabling all features.
Ability to apply an SCP to prevent member accounts from leaving the org.
Can't switch to Consolidated billing features only.
Multi Account Strategies
Create account per department, per cost center, per dev / test / prod, based on regulatory restrictions (using SCP), for better limits, isolated account for logging.
Multi Account vs One Account Multi VPC
Use tagging standards for billing purposes
Enable CloudTrail on all accounts, send logs to central S3 bucket
Send CloudWatch Logs to central logging account
Establish Cross account roles for admin purposes
Service Control Policy (SCP)
Organization policy as whitelist or blacklist (allow all at top, then disable items) IAM actions
Applied at the Root, OU or Account level.
SCP is applied to all the users and roles of the account, including Root.
The SCP doesn't affect service-linked roles.
SCP must have an explicit allow (doesn't allow anything by default)
SCP dosen't related to resources.
SCP dosen't grant any permission (just specify the maximum permissions).
Permissions are granted with IAM
Use cases:
Restrict access to certain services (for example: can't use EMR)
Enforce PCI compliance by explicitly disabling services.
Reserved Instances / Savings Plans
The consolidated billing feature treats all the accounts in the organization as one account.
Accounts in the organization can share benefits of RIs with any other account.
The payer account (master account) can turn off RI discount / Savings Plans discount sharing for any accounts in that organization, including the payer account.
RIs and Savings Plans discounts aren't shared between any accounts that have sharing turned off.
To share an RI / Savings Plans discount with an account, both accounts must have sharing turned on. The master account can turn off sharing for any member account.
RI Consolidated Billing examples
For zonal RIs must have the same:
AZ (align with AZ id, not AZ name.)
For zonal DB instances must have the same:
Engine, AZ, Instance Type, Deployment Type (ex. Multi-AZ)
Last updated