Elastic Beanstalk
Providing application code / Git Repo, scalable application / RDS to deploy onto AWS.
Managed service:
Instance configuration / OS is handled by Beanstalk
Deployment strategy is configurable but performed by Elastic Beanstalk
Good to re-platform your application from on-premise to the cloud
Only pay for the instances used
Java SE / Tomcat
.Net on Windows Server with IIS
Packer Builder
Docker (Single container / multiconainer / preconfigured )
Can write your custom plaform (advanced)
Architecture model:
Single Instance: good for dev
LB + ASG: good for production or pre-production apps
ASG only: good for non-web apps in production
Deployment policy:
All at once
Rolling (reduce capacity then fill back with new service)
Deploy the new version in batches. Each batch is taken out of service during the deployment phase, reducing your environment's capacity by the number of instances in a batch.
Rolling with additional batch (provision new service then terminate old one)
Deploy the new version in batches, but first launch a new batch of instances to ensure full capacity during the deployment process.
Deploy the new version to a fresh group of instances by performing an immutable update.
Traffic splitting
Deploy the new version to a fresh group of instances and temporarily split incoming client traffic between the existing application version and the new one.
Replacement Options for Configuration changes:
prevents downtime, applies changes in batches, keeping a minimum number of instances running and serving traffic at all times.
Launches a temporary ASG outside of your environment with a separate set of instances running with the new configuration.
Then places the new instances behind your load balancer. Old and new instances both serve traffic until the new instances pass health checks.
Then moves the new instances into your ASG and terminates the temporary group and old instances.
Disabled (like all at once)
Makes no attempt to avoid downtime. It terminates old instances and replaces them with new ones.
Decoupling Web Server, Woker Servers with SQS
If a service contains web tier and worker tier, can decouple them by SQS.
Blue / Green Deployment
Create a new "stage" environment for deploying v2 there
Route swapping options:
Utilize Route53 with weighted policies
Use "swap URLs" (DNS swap) when done with the environmrnt validation
Last updated
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