A global content delivery network (CDN) service using Edge Locations
Edge Location
The location to cache contents, separate to a Region / AZ
For read and write
TTL from 0 s ~ 1 year. Set by origin.
Clean cached objects would be charged
AWS Services
MediaPackage channel
Enhanced security with CloudFront Origin Access Identity (OAI)
OAI can only be used if the origin is an S3 bucket (not a S3 static website endpoint)
Origin can't be: ECS
Custom Origin (HTTP)
Mus be public (then link to private EC2 / ECS).
EC2 instance
Must be public
API Gateway
On-premises load balancer
Possibility to have a secondary origin for HA.
The name given the CDN which consists of a collection of Edge Locations
Delivery Method
RTMP for media streaming
Viewer Protocol Policy
Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
Origin Protocol Policy
Match Viewer (communicates with origin with HTTP / HTTPS, depending on the protocol of the viewer request.)
Custom CA / Default CA
If use your own domain name, such as, need to use an SSL/TLS certificate provided by ACM, or import a certificate from a third-party certificate authority into ACM or the IAM certificate store.
If use default domain name that CloudFront assigned to your distribution, such as, CloudFront provides the default SSL/TLS certificate.
SSL / TLS termination and CA sources
For non-ELB resources (ex. EC2), CA must be issued by a 3rd-party provider like Comodo, DigiCert, Symantec.
For an ELB, can use CA by 3rd-party providers or by ACM.
Creation options:
Restrict viewer access (like premium)
Can attach policies:
Include URL expiration
Include IP ranges to access the data from
Trusted signers (which AWS accounts can create signed URLs)
Shared content: make it short
Private content: can make it last for years
Signed URLs / Signed Cookies are created by our application with AWS SDK.
A Signed URL is for one file and support RTMP (real-time streaming)
A Signed Cookies can access to multiple files and without having to change URLs
Can use a black / white list for geographic areas
Can define country level restriction
CloudFront Signed URL vs S3 Pre-Signed URL
CloudFront Signed URL
Allow access to a path, no matter the origin
Account wide key-pair, only the root can manage it
Can filter by IP, path, date, expirarion
Can leverage caching features
S3 Pre-Signed URL
Issue a request as the person who pre-signed the URL
Uses the IAM key of the signing IAM prinicpal
Limited lifetime
Based on:
HTTP Headers
Session Cookies
Query String parameters
A request with multiple headers is sent from the client, the Edge location white list is made for a certain kind of attribute combination (like: host, path, user-aa-data, protocol) for similar requests later on.
Maximizing hit rate by separating static / dynamic contents
Static contents: need less headers / caching rules
Dynamic contents: cached based on correct headers and cookies
with HTTPS to encrypt sensitive user data up to 10 fields
Leveraging external data in Lambda@Edge (Ex. accessing rules file from an S3 bucket)
Include data in your function deployment package
Change the Lambda@Edge function code to store locally from S3 URL instead of downloading the file directly from S3.
CloudFront Global variable can be used as a cache, but it's not guaranteed for durability. (Don't remove the durable origin)
CloudFront Caching with API Gateway Caching
API Gateway (Edge-optimized)
Cache is on API Gateway, Edge location just redirects request.
API Gateway (Regional)
Cache is on API Gateway.
More control on CloudFront Edge Location over the distribution.
API Gateway (Regional) + CloudFront (caching)
Caches are both on them.
Can enable CloudFront caching but disable API Gateway caching.
integrated with Shield for DDoS, WAF.
CloudFront + ALB with SSL
Can be used when you want custom filtering before reaching your application or run business logic at the edge locations.
Deploy Lambda alongside the CloudFront.
Authentication & Authorization
Modify headers to increase hit rate
Dynamic web application at the edge
Determine the device type in the HTTP request and redirect to the origins.
Search Engine Optimization
Intelligently route across origins and data centers
Bot mitigation at the edge
real-time image transformation
A/B Testing
User prioritization, tracking and analytics.
Last updated