A serverless compute service to run your code
Support language: C#, Java, Node, Python, Javascript, etc.
Lamda is charged with request times, duration, used memory.
RAM: 128 ~ 3G
RAM is linked to CPU allocation (cannot be set accrodingly)
2 vCPU are allocated after 1.5G of RAM
Timeout: 15 minutes (Can break into sub executions but be careful with the latency.)
storage: 512 MB (can't process big files)Councurrency execution: 1000 (differs by region, can be requested to increase).
If your code is too large to upload and can not break the code down
Consider deploying with Elastic BeanStalk.
IAM Roles policy: for Lambda execution.
Resource-based policy: allow other accounts, services to invoke / manage the Lambda.
Sits in the AWS VPC (by default)
Can access publicly
Cannot link to resources in a private Subnet.
Can create within your VPC
To access a resource in a private Subnet, the Lambda must be created within the private Subnet and do:
Assign Security Group with outbound rule to the Lambda
Use a NAT if needs to have a public access.
Can attach VPC Endpoint to asscess S3 / DynamoDB without requiring an IGW to save cost.
Reasons of
:Does not have sufficient subnet IPs / subnet ENIs.
Logging, monitoring and tracing
CloudWatch: trace logs, metrics. (Make sure the Lambda has execution role with CloudWatch privilege).
Can help debug / trace the end-to-end latency.
Enable in Lambda configuration (runs the X-Ray daemon for you)
Use AWS SDK in Code
Ensure Lambda has correct IAM execution role.
Synchronous: by CLI, SDK, API Gateway
Clients waiting for the response.
Handling exception by client side.
Asynchronous: like S3, SNS, CloudWatch events
When error, Lambda woud attempt for 3 retries. (so make sure the process is idempotent).
Can define a destination or DLQ (dead-letter queue, supports SNS, SQS, Lambda for failed processing).
Event Source Mapping (Poll model, by another Lambda to trigger your Lambda)
In-ordered services: Kinesis data streams, SQS FIFO, DynamoDB streams and SQS (not guarenteed in-ordered) are supported.
Lambda Event Source Mapping would do poll from the source and send to Lambda function in a batch way.
If Lambda returns an error, the entire batch is reprocessed until success.
Kinesis, DynamoDB streams: would stop processing later shards.
SQS FIFO: stop, unless a SQS DLQ has been defined.
Destinations (AWS suggests to replace DLQ)
Can configure to send result to a destination.
Asynchronous: can define destinations for successful and failed events to:
EventBridge Bus
Event Source Mapping: for discarded event batches (only for failures).
When you work on a Lambda function, we work on
. When publish a Lambda, a version is created.Versions
are immutable.
have increasing version numbers.
get their own ARN.
include their code and configurarion.
can be accessed.
Aliases are pointers to Lambda versions.
Aliases are mutable and have ARNs.
Aliases enable stable configuration of event triggers / destinations.
Deployment to shift alias can be supported with CodeDeploy strategies:
Linear: grow traffic every N minutes until 100%.
Canary: try X percent then 100%.
AllAtOnce: immediate.
Can create pre & post traffic hooks to check the health of Lambda.
can define a dev, test etc to point to a Lambda version.
can enable blue / green deployment by assigning weights to point to different Lambda versions.
Last updated