Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is a web service that provides resizable compute capacity.
Different types of EC2 instance for multiple usage.
D: Density Storage (Fileserver, Data Warehousing, Hadoop)
R: Ram
M: main choice for general purpose
C: Compute
G: Graphics
I: IOPS (NoSQL DBs, Data Warehousing)
F: FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array, hardware acceleration)
T: Cheap general purpose
P: Graphics, General purpose of GPU (Machine Learning, Bit coin mining)
X: Extreme Memory (SAP HANA, Apache Spark)
EC2 instance Options:
On demand
Pay by the second so far
Reserved Instance (RI)
Have a discount but for consistent usage in 1 ~ 3 years.
Types of RI (can be either regional / zonal):
Standard RI (Up to 75% off on demand)
Cannot modify Instance Family (Ex.
is the Instance Family.)Can be sold
Convertible RI (Up to 54% off on demand)
Can modify Instance Family
Can not be sold
To bid whatever price for the instance capacity. Suitable for flexible start and end times application with very low prices (can be 90% off compared to On-demand).
If instance terminated manually, cost of the hour is charged. If instance terminated by AWS, cost of the hour is free.
Dedicated Instances:
No other customers will share your hardware.
Dedicated Hosts
Physical EC2 server. Suitable for some applications need instance lock-in.
Great for software licenses that operate the core, or CPU socket level.
Can define host affinity so that instance reboots are kept on the same host.
Security Group
To set up allow rules (not deny rules)
Many to many relationship to EC2.
Default SG allows all inbound / outbound, Manually created Security Groups allow no traffic by default.
SG rule is stateful.
Placement Groups
A strategy to congrol EC2 instance placement
Cluster: instances in one AZ for high latency (10 Gbps).
Partition: instances in different logical partition. Good for distributed services like Hadoop, Cassandra, Kafka. Up to 7 partitions per AZ, up to 100s of EC2 instances per partition.
Spread: instances in different physical rack and in different AZs. Good for critical applications. Limited to 7 instances per placement group.
Can move instance into / out of a placement group without termination (stop the instance, CLI to move, restart instance).
Termination protection is off by default, can be anabled.
PEM Key scenarios
Migrate instance to another region with the same PEM key
Copy the AMI of your EC2 machine to new region and start up an instance using the AMI.
Choose the "Proceed without a keypair" when launching the instance
Or import the public key
The PEM key is regional
When key is stolen
Terminate the instance
Launch new instance with another SSH key pair
Replace a PEM key
log in to the instance and update the public key in
Users can only select an SSH key pair when they launch a new instance.
EC2 included metrics:
CPU: CPU Utilization + Credit Usage / Balance
Network: Network In / Out
Status Check:
Instance status: check EC2 VM
System status: check the underlying hardware
Disk: Read / Write for Ops / Bytes (only for instance store)
RAM is NOT included in AWS EC2 metrics (must create a custom metric).
Enable the hibernation feature on the Configure Instance Details page
AMI: Linux, Ubuntu
EBS with enough space to save RAM data
Not compatible with ASG / ECS
Fetching EC2 meta-data
Link into EC2 and list all options of meta-data display
Displaying public ip.
Configure privilege with programmatic credential of IAM Run below command and give Access Key ID and Secret Access Key. The information is stored in EC2 instance so it's not secured.
PS. A good practice is to use IAM Role to be assigned to EC2 instance (when creation or later on), instead of giving credential away (constraint with EC2 instance level).
Trouble Shooting
A HTTP server in EC2 with EIP cannot be accessed from on-premise
Security Group should have inbound allow for port 80
NACL of the subnet should allow 80 for inboud, ephemeral ports for outbound.
The subnet of the instance should be associated with the main route table.
Last updated