Notes of JCConf 2017
This post is for memo of JCConf 2017, the meeting agenda can be referenced here.
Topic: Introduction to Java Platform Module System (Project Jigsaw)
The advantage of Java 9
Dependency management V.S. classpath declaration (painful when projects grows big, can refer to the part of: JAR/Classpath地狱)
Modularization for adaption to different runtime environments, such like a mobile device (can refer the part of: The primary features supporting modularization).
Implementation Detail
Node.js style module descriptor (requires, exports, uses, provides...)
Useful Tools
Jlink - Running your application with minimal load (can refer to the part of: The Linker).
Jdeps - CLI for display dependencies between jars (reference).
Topic: Start developing Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud
This talk not only addresses on spring boot development but also great philosophy of software development.
Warming up
Why microservice? Agility, Scalability (reliability also, of course).
Monolithic V.S. microservice is like: painting V.S. diorama
The spirit of software developing: 守破離. (The debate about TDD is extremely the case.)
Development with Spring boot
Using Spring initializer to create a porject workplace.
In most of the cases, the application includes web + data:
ORM tool selection: MyBatis vs hibernate
Test your app with spring test:
Spring Cloud (microservice ready framework)
Using Eureka (a service discovery server)
Message queue tool:
Closing up
A beautiful say: "Start simple, not small."
Topic: Start Spring Reactive Programming
What does "reactive" mean? Event-driven (take ideas from Node.js: Async, Non-blocking IO)
Last updated