Regional Auditing and recording compliance of your AWS resources.
Can be aggregated accross regions and accounts.
Recording record configurations and changes over time.
Doesn't prevent actions from happening (no deny).
Can send SNS notification for changes.
Config Rules
Can use AWS managed config rules (over 75)
Can make custom config rules (must be defined in AWS Lambda)
Evaluate if each EBS disk is of certain type.
Evaluate if each EC2 instance is of certain type.
Rules can be evaluated / triggered:
For each config change.
And / or: at regular time intervals.
Can trigger CloudWatch events if the rule is not compliant (and chain with Lambda).
Rules can have auto remediations:
If a resource is not compliant, you can trigger an auto remediation.
Define the remediation through SSM Automations.
Ex. remediate security group rules, or stop instances with non-approved tags.
Unrestricted SSH access to a Security Group
S3 Policy for public access
ALB configuration changes over time
Last updated