Data Structure & Algorithm
Time Complexity Expressions:
Omega: best scenario
Theta: average scenario
Big-O: worst scenario
Adding element according to status of children (can become an unbalanced BST in worst cases).
Θ(log N)
for access, search, insertion, deletion due to the BST is balanced or not.
Red-black Tree
Self-balanced (not perfectly balanced) BST with
O(log N)
for searching, insertion, deletion.
Adding elements from left to right and check its ancestors (no need to re-balancde it.)
Good at finding max / min and adding elements. Ex. priority queue, sorting algorithm.
for finding max /min,O(log N)
for insertion, deletion,O(N)
for lookup.
Trie (prefix tree)
Usually a empty root node, can have multiple children nodes.
For auto-completion lookup.
Tree Traversal (Depth First Search)
Pre-order: self -> left -> right.
In-order: left -> self -> right.
Post-order: left -> right -> self.
Selection Sort (not practical)
IMPL: Search the min (max) value and swap to the front in each round.
Bubble Sort (not practical)
IMPL: Compare with neighbor and swap.
Insertion Sort
Good at dealing with small data set (or almost sorted data set).
IMPL: Create sub-group with size 1 at the front, move edge element into sub-group by bubble sorting in each round.
Stable time complexity:
N log N
, but space complexity isO(N)
.IMPL: A recursive function to split array (sub-array) into 2 halves till becoming single element and then merge them back.
Quick Sort
Good space complexity with
O(log N)
, and time complexity: linearithmicΘ(N log N)
and quadraticO(N^2)
if chosed worst pivot.IMPL:
Choose strategy for pivot (Ex. at the end.)
A recursive function to :
(1) move elements larger then pivot to the right, keep smaller elements at the left.
(2) sub-array at the left calls step (1)
(3) sub-array at the right calls step (1)
Stable time complexity:
N log N
, and good space complexity:O(1)
.IMPL: Given root as index:
.index of parent:
(i - 1) / 2
index of left child =
2i + 1
.index of right child:
2i + 2
Linear search (checking elements sequentially)
Binary search (check sorted elements from the middle)
Good at finding shortest path, but takes more memory to keep track of neighbors.
Impl: Queue
To identify a path especially when it's far away from the source (Ex. a maze), with less memory.
Impl: Stack
Time complexity:
O(2 ^ N)
(exponential, pronounced as "two to the N").
Find tree depth
return 1 + Math.max(findMax(node.left), findMax(node.right));
Dynamic Programming (Caching)
Time complexity:
, space complexity:O(N)
2 - 0 / \ 1 - 3
Example with primitive representations
Edge List
int[][] data = {{0, 2}, {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {2, 3}};
Adjacent List
int[][] data = {{2}, {2, 3}, {0, 1, 3}, {1, 2}};
Adjacent Matrix
int[][] data = { {0, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 0, 1}, {0, 1, 1, 0}};
Finding shortest path with weight
Dijkstra's algorithm (more effecient but can only take positive weight)
Bellman-Ford algorithm (can take negative weight)
Bit Manipulation
Linear Algebra
Last updated