A regional, managed DNS services for:
Domain Registration
DNS Routing
Health Checking
Not useful in resolving on-premise dependency
Routing policies
Maps a hostname to a single resouce
Can't attach health checks
If multiple values are returned, a random one is chosen by client.
Control the % of the requests that go to specific endpoint.
Helpful to test 1% of traffic on new app version for example
Helpful to split traffic between two regions
Can be associated with health checks
Note: The weight don't need to sum up to 100.
Redirect to the server that has the least latency close to users
Helpful when latency of users is a priority
Latency is evaluated in terms of user to designated AWS region
Has a failover capability if you enable health checks
Monitoring endpoint by sending health check
Based on user location
Should create a default policy in case not matched
Route53 only supports DNSSEC for domain registration. However, it doesn't support DNSSEC for DNS service. You must either:
Use another DNS service provider
Run a custom EC2 with DNS Server (ex: Bind, dnsmasq, KnotDNS, PowerDNS)
Health Checks and configuring failover
Monitor endpoint (application, server, other AWS resource)
Monitor other health checks (calculated health checks)
Monitor CloudWatch alarms. Ex. throttling DynamoDB, alarms on RDS, other custom metrics.
Health checks can be setup based on:
HTTP status code
Text in the first 5120 bytes of the response
Calculated health checks
Create separate individual health checks
Specify how many of the health checks need to pass to make the parent pass
Health Checks for Private Hosted Zones
Health Checks are in AWS Cloud, cannot check your resources in private Subnet. Options:
Create a CloudWatch Metric and alarm, then create a health check for the alarm.
Assign a public IP to the resource
Check dependent external resource instead. Ex. DB server.
Multi Value Routing Policy (Query)
Used when routing traffic to multiple resouces
Can associate a Route53 health checks with records
Up to 8 healthy records are returned to clients for each query and let clients to choose which resource to access
Multi Value is not a substitute for having an ELB.
Public DNS query logging
Can configure a CloudWatch Logs log group in the US East Region only.
DNS Record types:
Start of Authority, contains important management information about the zone, especially regarding the zone transfer
hostname to IPv4
hostname to IPv6
hostname to hostname
used for: RDS
Canonical name record, An alias of one name to another
Being chrage when doing query in Route53
Cannot set as Zone apex (Ex: A Zone Apex domain "" can have multiple sub-domains like "", "", etc.)
hostname to AWS resource
Used for: ELB, CloudFront, S3, Elastic Beanstalk, API Gateway
Can set as Zone apex
Not being charged when doing query in Route53
Delegate a subdomain to a set of name servers
MX record
Specifies a mail server responsible for accepting email messages on behalf of a recipient's domain
TTL (time to live): The time for which a DNS resolver caches a response
How to avoid Man in the Middle Attack:
Use HTTPS always
Use a DNS that has DNSSEC (asymmetric encryption to verify DNS data), can be:
Use another DNS service provider
Run a custom EC2 with DNS Server (ex: Bind, dnsmasq, KnotDNS, PowerDNS)
Sharing Hosted Zone
A container for records, and records contain information about how you want to route traffic for a specific domain, and its subdomains.
Working with public host zones (on Internet)
Working with private host zones (within VPC(s), not for on-premise.)
Enable the VPC setting:
.Create an A or AAAA record for resources (even to a database)
Associate a Route 53 private hosted zone with a VPC on a different AWS account.
Establish VPC Peering (between central account VPC and other accounts' VPC)
Programmatically (CLI) create the association between the private hosted zone to other VPC.
Transferring registration for a Domain to Route 53
Scenario: direct traffic according to geolocation
Create a public hosted zone for the domain in Route 53.
Update the DNS entries in the registrars database to use AWS DNS Servers as defined in the NS record on Route 53.
Create A-type records for all EC2 instances. Configure CNAME records for the main FQDN (A fully qualified domain name) that point to regional A records using a Geolocation routing policy. Create another CNAME record as a default route.
Last updated